If you were going to do a counted embroidery project using a number of needlepoint stitches (on evenweave fabric rather than canvas) would you like
1. step-by-step stitch instructions with diagrams that explain the steps how to do the stitch, and a chart to follow so you know where to put these stitches
2. a chart of the stitch with little numbers on insertion points, telling you where to put your needle next, with an additional chart of the whole design to follow
3. both?
My thoughts are as follows. Stitch instructions with diagrams teach you how to do the stitch and help you to understand the mechanics of it. Numbered diagrams are like paint by numbers – you can follow the process and end up with the right thing, but with much less understanding of the process.
What are your thoughts/preferences? Note, this is not for a class, just a stand-alone-make-by-yourself-following-the-instructions project.
(Photo is not of the aforementioned project, just of an old counted thread ornament I made some years ago.)
As a novice to this type of embroidery, I would need style 1. It would entice me to continue buying small projects as I learned. However, if you were to market this to a broader audience, you would probably need to do both.
I think it depends on the level of your intended audience. For most stitches, a intermediate to experienced stitcher would be able to understand what is going on with just a number diagram. It’s only those, like Jessica’s, where the needle does more than just up and down that more information might be needed.
But a beginning stitcher would probably benefit from further explanation on a greater number of stitches.
Thanks Kathy. I appreciate your helpful comments.
Thanks Amanda. You’re right about the intended audience – that’s a really useful thought. These are to be primarily for beginners and those who just want a quick project. Thanks for your input.
Approach 1. Step-by-step on how to work the stitches, and a chart showing placement. This is because once I learn how to work a stitch (from the step-by-step) I want to be able to transfer that skill to other projects. Also sometimes I want to be able to glance back at the instructions to refresh my memory without trying to extract the information I want from detailed instructions on a specific project.
Thank you Elaine. That all makes perfect sense to me! 🙂