Some time last year my mother tipped me off about an Indian fashion designer named Rahul Mishra. He had just won the International Woolmark Prize, an award that focuses on wool in fashion. Mishra had submitted a collection of clothing for the award that featured beautiful hand embroidery in wool. I spent hours drooling over his work, knowing that I’d never own any, but that wouldn’t stop me from admiring it! You can see more of his work (his most recent collection) in an album he’s posted on Facebook.
Yesterday I learned that there is currently an exhibition at the New England Regional Art Museum (that’s the New England in NSW, Australia, not the one in America) called The Art of Wool. It features garments from the International Woolmark Prize (including some by Rahul Mishra) and artworks from national collections which focus on the significance of wool in Australian art.
The exhibition runs until 2nd August at 106-114 Kentucky Street, Armidale, New South Wales. Bizarrely, it isn’t featured on the NERAM website. Maybe it is too new, having only opened on 1st May. But it doesn’t feature in their “upcoming exhibitions” either. However, it is mentioned on their Facebook page, so therefore it must be true. 😉
News report in the Land Newspaper about the exhibition:
Hi there,
You are so right about the exhibition not being on our website. We’ve been working super hard to get the exhibition and the beautiful catalogue that supports it ready for the opening. We will update the site as soon as we can. Until then – here’s a sneak preview of more artworks and garments featured in the exhibition:
The exhibition is supported by The Woolmark Company in support of The Campaign For Wool, hence why featured on their blog.
I really hope you get to see it! The garments and artworks are even more stunning in real life. And ALL the artworks come from our collections – we are so fortunate to have this collection in Armidale.
Thanks, Tanya Zoe Robinson (Exhibition Curator for The Art of Wool)
Hi Tanya! Thanks for visiting. 🙂 Thanks for the extra info. I really hope that I might be able to come to the exhibition. I was looking at trains or flights from Sydney… but they weren’t really working with my budget. Sigh. I’ll keep trying and hoping.