I’ve just spent the morning updating the classes page on my website. These are all the classes that are currently finalised for 2014 and 2015.
There’s a great mix of new projects and old favourites. Take a look and see which ones you’d like to join me for. By clicking on the images below, you’ll be taken to the specific page about that class.
You’ll notice that there are fewer classes than there have been in previous years. This is a conscious decision for a number of reasons. I nominated this year as a book writing year, and teaching interrupts that, so I cut down on my teaching. However, due to the increase in The Gymnast’s gymnastic commitments, I will be keeping my teaching load down for the forseeable future. It just makes it easier for my family, and as they’re my highest priority, they get first dibs on me!
If you have any questions about any of these classes, please don’t hesitate to ask. And if there are any that you think your friends will enjoy, please share the links with them!
What a lovely selection of work Yvette, I’d love to take them all! I wish you could come to Canada! Maybe the Gymnast can find some international competition to compete in that will bring you here. ;-D
Jeanine, one day that *might* be a possibility. L’International Gymnix is regularly held (yearly?) in Montreal, and the Pacific Rim Championships have just been on this last week in Richmond BC. However, I think the Pacific Rim Champs move locations, and aren’t always held there. And The Gymnast is a long way off competing internationally! 😉