I’m still plugging away at the website. I’ve been using Dreamweaver this time around, as I bought it since the last upgrade of the website. I must say that I am enjoying using it. Previously I handcoded everything, writing it in html. This was not the easiest thing to do, but I struggled through and had made a passable website!
But NOW… oh, how I love the freedom of Dreamweaver! It is allowing me to do things that I had previously only dreamed of (or never even dreamed of!).
I love the templates facility. I created my page, with its new header with drop down menus (oooh!!) and then converted it into a template on which to base the other pages. Then if you make a change to the template, you can also automatically apply those changes to the “child” pages as well. Wowee!
It is still slow going, but putting the old pages onto the new templates will hopefully mean that global website changes in the future are going to be a much easier affair.
I had hoped that the new website would be finished by the end of this week, but given that I’m now Mum’s Taxi, that won’t be happening! Maybe the end of next week, after the kids have gone back to school?!
Isn’t it great when technology helps instead of hindering!
Oh yes! It really is quite pleasurable!