I couldn’t leave you hanging, wondering how the dress was going, so here’s a photo of the finished product. I’m very happy with it, and it feels great to wear.
I have some of the fabric left over. Enough to make a sleeveless top. Now I just have to find a suitable pattern. But that’s definitely for another day!
Wow! the dress looks great and that red is a really good colour on you.
Very nice! Are you taking orders?!?
Only at highly inflated prices! 😉
This is gorgeous:) Red is definitely one of your colours!
Looks great Yvette, and suits you very well. Being a knit it should be very comfy. Love asymmetrical lines, always did and always will, very slimming!!
Very pretty! You look good in red.
Wow! You look stunning!
And so quick to make the dress!
Fantastic! Love it. And I agree with Coral – the colour suits you.
Thank you all for your very nice comments and “likes”. I think I’ll go and hide under a rock now. Can’t cope with this much attention!
Well done – what a beautiful dress.
Hey Yvette! Since you were so nice to check out my blog and give me your opinions on this dress I HAD to return the favor! 🙂 And I’m sooo glad I did because you gave some excellent tips for if and when I decide to tackle this monster again! lol Being that I never finished the first one, I don’t know if I have the heart to try again so soon. If I do, I must contact you via email or phone to get the step by step instructions on the method of getting the darts/tucks right. Yours turned out beautifully!
And regarding your comment about taking orders, but only at highly inflated prices – GOOD FOR YOU GIRL! 🙂 LOL
You’d be very welcome to email for tips. Phone might be harder seeing I’m in Australia and most likely you’re not! 🙂
Looks great – well done!
stunning! I love the lines.ktj
WOW that dress is so gorgeous! It looks like tricky tailoring though, was it hard to make?
Hi Joyce, It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be. You can read about my adventures with it in the previous day’s post: