I’ll be teaching embroidery at various places around Australia in 2011. I’m really looking forward to it all, as I’ll be teaching new projects and in some new places. I’ll also go back to some places I’ve been before, and hopefully meet some students again.
I received word yesterday that my merezhka class at Springwood in January is full! What a great start to the year that will be!
If you liked the look of my sample Portuguese whitework embroidery (shown left) get thee to Brisbane in February! I will be teaching it as a project at All Threads Embroidery on 26-27th.
In September (29-30th) I’ll be in Tasmania teaching Mountmellick embroidery at A Stitch In Time.
I will also be teaching Mountmellick embroidery to three different guild and non-guild groups in the Hunter Valley. That will keep me busy throughout the year.
If you’re interested in me teaching to your group or at your shop, I could probably still fit in one or two more bookings at various points in the year, so get in quick!
Dear Mrs. Stanton
I live in Bermuda, so attending your course on Portuguese Whitework Embroidery is impossible. Will you be publishing a book on it and, if so, is there a time frame?
Thank you, in advance, for your response.
Hi Patricia, Coming from Bermuda is a bit far, isn’t it?! Yes, I am working on a book about it. I hope to have it out by the end of next year. However, knowing how book writing goes, it could end up being longer. But that’s what I am aiming for. I hope that you can wait that long! Thanks for your interest. 🙂
Lindo trabalhos, adoro fazer hardanger, e gostaria se possível de modelos natalinos. Obrigado e um Feliz Natal e Prospero Ano Novo.