I’ve recently had a few enquiries about whether I could teach for a particular embroiderers guild group this year.
I love teaching embroidery. However, I don’t teach a great deal because of my commitment to my family, so my calendar fills up very quickly with teaching engagements. If you contact me at the beginning of the year you’d like me to teach, chances are, you will be disappointed as I will not be able to fit any more bookings in to my calendar.
However, in 2020 and 2021, my teaching bookings are even more limited. In these two years, one of my daughters will be doing her HSC exams (end of secondary school exams). At most schools in our state, these exams take place at the end of Year 12. However, as we live in the country, things work slightly differently here. She will do half her subjects this year, including the HSC exams for them, and then next year, the other half including the HSC exams for those subjects. This means that instead of one HSC year, she has two. Because of that, I will not be travelling to teach much during this period. And my travelling calendar is already full for 2020 and 2021.
I *will* be teaching here in Walcha. I haven’t gotten myself organised enough yet to figure out what and when. We have an excellent classroom at Walcha Handmade, a local creative co-operative, which I plan to use. Walcha is about 5-6 hours driving from Sydney, and about 6-7 from Brisbane. There is an excellent daily train service to/from Sydney, which although there isn’t a train station in Walcha, is linked via bus service from Walcha Road to Walcha. (Just book all the way to Walcha, or from Walcha, rather than Walcha Road, which is where the nearest train station is.)
We also have a good number and range of accommodation options here, including a caravan park with onsite vans or space for your own caravan. There are several pubs offering accommodation, a motel, at least one B&B and a guest house. Walcha would love to have you come and spend your money here in our drought-struggling town which has also been affected because of nearby bushfires!
My teaching calendar currently includes (and I think this is everything!):
8-9, 10-11 February 2020, Embroiderers Guild Victoria, Melbourne.
8th-9th – Mountmellick Embroidery
10th-11th – Mountmellick Embroidery
21-23 February 2020, Australian Embroidery Convention, Brisbane.
21st – Smøyg
22nd-23rd – Portuguese Whitework
13-16 July 2020, ANZEG Conference, Masterton NZ
13th-14th – Smøyg
15th-16th – Early-style Hardanger
End of August 2020, Embroiderers Guild Victoria, Melbourne. TBC.
As far as I know, there are currently spaces in all these classes, so if you’d like to join one, contact the organisers. I’d love to have you in one of my classes!
For the Walcha classes, please keep monitoring this blog, or my Facebook page.
I have also had speaking engagement enquiries. I have a very informative 35 minute talk called “A Survey of Whitework” which is accompanied by photos of examples. I probably cannot travel to you to present this talk. However, if you’re interested, we may be able to consider a video-conference presentation of the talk, where you beam me into your meeting space (wherever in the world you are), and I deliver my talk remotely. I haven’t done this before, but maybe we can get it to work!
I have also done talks on publishing needlework books, Hardanger embroidery, and my book research process. If you’re interested, please contact me.
If you’re wanting to book me for 2022, I am not taking bookings yet. It’s just too far off in the distance for me to know what my life might be like then. However, do not leave it until the beginning of 2022 to contact me. I’ll be booked up by then. My suggestion is to contact me from mid 2021 onwards.
Thank you for your interest in my classes, and I hope we can meet at a class one day, if we haven’t already!
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