I thought you might like to know that I have finally completed the embroidery on my tablecloth! YAY! I still have the hem to do, which will be properly (and laboriously) hemstitched, so that will be a few more months work probably.
I have also been making scrunchies (hair tie thingys) for a gym fundraiser. I’ve finished one leotard for The Gymnast for Christmas, and have one more on the go. There’s currently colourful and sparkly lycra fabric all over the dining room!
Today, my Florence Broadhurst fabric for my new dress should be turning up (I’ve received a tracking notification that it is on board with the delivery driver), so then I will feel compelled to make that dress. Must exercise self control!
I have Christmas presents to make for various lovely people. Usually I make Christmas tree decorations for each of my husband’s staff and for school teachers and extra curricular tutors/coaches. This year I’m doing something different though, and making necklace pendants. (I hope none of the people who are going to receive one are reading this!)
I’ve finished drafting The Reader’s wool coat, but that can be on hold until after Christmas as it’s definitely not winter here! I’ve got a pair of pants to finish for CIAM, but as our classes have finished for the year, there’s no hurry with that either.
I think that is all I have actively on the go. That’s enough, isn’t it?! Are you working on Christmas presents or other things under a deadline at the moment?
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