Last week I had a big decision to make. It was basically crunch time for pulling out of this year’s Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair.
Sadly, I have pulled out due to ongoing illness. I had been hoping that I would be well enough to attend, but I have realised that it will just be too much for me. Four full days of the show, plus the setup day, and driving to and from Sydney, and all the preparation in the lead up is just not something that is possible for me right now.
*IF* I was having a really good day, I might get through one show day, with a lot of sitting down and doing the bare minimum – let’s face it though, it isn’t an event for putting in the bare minimum! There’s no chance I could do all the prep and the show, without causing myself to go backwards sharply and make things far, far worse.
This will be the first show in MANY years I have not attended (apart from Covid cancellations). I’m not sure when I started, but it was definitely more than 10 years ago. I’m sorry I won’t be there. I will miss the yearly catch up that I have with so many of you.
I am still booked to attend the Quilt NSW show in September at Rosehill. Let’s hope that I can make it to that one.
It may be important to go to these shows, but it’s more important not to jeopardise your health in so doing. I’m glad you felt able to make the right decision on that.
Thanks Rachel.