We have only about 2 more weeks here in Addis before we go home. One of our daughters is really missing home, and the other one loves it here so much that she wants to stay.
However, there are things that we are missing about home. What I am looking forward to (in no particular order):
- my normal breakfast muesli
- my bed
- the rest of my clothes
- my bedside clock radio with alarm
- seeing my family and friends
- reliable electricity and internet
- chicken
- getting stuck into writing my next book
- our bathroom
- ABC local radio, particularly “The Conversation Hour” with Richard Fydler
- embroidery supplies
- our washing machine – I am heartily sick of washing by hand
- and probably more that I can’t think of right at this moment
Didn’t I mention it? You’re not going home, I’m enjoying the travel diary too much, lol! So glad you all had this opportunity, especially the girls.
LOL! Don’t you think life at home in Sydney will be just as fascinating?!
I really have enjoyed writing about our experiences here. It has been a lovely challenge to see what sort of word pictures I can create for you all, mostly because at first I didn’t know how to put pictures on the blog!
I too am really glad that we have had the opportunity to do this. It has been wonderful. My elder daughter has thrived here, and doesn’t want to go home. My younger daughter has not had such a great time, but maybe in time she will warm to the memories of our time here. I’m quite sure that we’ve all been changed by the experience though.
It’s not until you have unreliable heating/lighting/sanitation that you realise how we who have it all the time have come to rely upon it, or how much time the mere business of living takes up without it.
Never mind, civilisation is beckoning…!
At the moment I’m working on downloading book catalogue records from the internet for the school. At school, because the internet is so slow, I can get about 10 done per day. Yes, that is RIDICULOUSLY slow! At home here in our apartment, we have fibre-optic internet rather than dial-up and I can get 40 done in an evening. But I can get none done when there is no power…
At least we have a gas stove – and gas! Without either, we would be eating a lot of cold food.
It really shows me how much I rely on electricity.