Please carefully read the FAQ.
1. Where can I get a copy of “Hardanger Filling Stitches”?
Currently (early January 24) it is available in Australia. Soon it will be available in NZ. Europe will be late Feb, and USA will be March.
2. What shops will stock “Hardanger Filling Stitches”?
As the author, I rarely know where my books are sold. Your favourite fiction author is unlikely to know this for their books either. Try your favourite store – ask if they have it, and if they don’t, ask if they can get it for you. If your next comment is, “But I don’t have a local needlework store!” neither do I, because I live in a tiny rural town, but there are a range of excellent stores that I call for needlework supplies, or order through their websites. Also, just because a book isn’t on a store’s website doesn’t mean they don’t stock it.
You can try: (NOT an exhaustive list, and not all of them will stock all of my books)
Australia – The Crewel Gobelin, A Stitch in Time, All Threads Embroidery, Hand Embroidery Supplies, Inspirations/The Bobbin Tree.
Belgium – De Roopoorte
Estonia – Ou Karnaluks, Tartu Media
France – Et Brode le papillon
Germany – Barbara Fay
Hong Kong – Tour embroidery
Iceland – Storkurinn
Ireland – Mountmellick Museum
Italy – Casa Cenina, Tombolo e Disegni
Netherlands – Atelier Soed Idee, De Handwork Boetiek
Norway – Hardanger Folkemuseum, Magasinet Bunad
Portugal – Rosa Pomar
South Africa – Blue Weaver
South Korea – Joyjasu
Turkey – Caglayan Kitap
Ukraine – Lelitka, Rukodelliniza
United Kingdom – Royal School of Needlework
USA – Needle in a Haystack (CA), Lacis (CA), Sassy Jack’s Stitchery (NC), Garibaldi’s Needle Works, Thrift Books, A Stitching Shop (CO).
If you’re a shop that stocks my books – particularly “Hardanger Filling Stitches” – and would like to be added to this list, please let me know.
3. How much does “Hardanger Filling Stitches” cost?
If you look on my website, you will see how much it costs in AUD to get the book to you including postage (don’t forget to choose your shipping destination from the drop down menu!). I’m in Australia, so my orders are posted from/within Australia.
Generally, the cost depends on where you’re getting it from, and, if it’s being posted, where it is being sent to. There is no set cost that applies right around the world.
4. Is “Hardanger Filling Stitches” available in my language?

A typical spread from Hardanger Filling Stitches. Left-handed instructions in red; right-handed instructions in blue.
It is available in English only. All my books are HIGHLY visual with diagrams for each step, so it may be that it doesn’t matter if you can’t read the words. Many non-English speakers find they can happily use my books.
If you would like a more detailed answer to this particular question, you can find it in my blog post devoted to this subject.
If you’re a craft book publisher in another language, then please contact me if you’re interested in foreign-language rights, as they are available.
5. Can I purchase a copy of “Hardanger Filling Stitches”?
Yes! Please go to my website Or, order it from your favourite needlework store.
The Australian/New Zealand ISBN is 978-0-6457610-0-9. The ISBN for the rest of the world is 978-1800922013.
6. Is “Hardanger Filling Stitches” available through Amazon?
Probably. I generally prefer to recommend that people purchase through small businesses that appreciate your custom far more than big multinational companies do.
7. Can I get a supplies pack for the sampler in “Hardanger Filling Stitches”?
Yes! These can be ordered through my website.
I won’t be supplying the supplies packs to other shops. However, any good needlework store should be able to put together the supplies for you, though they may not be exactly the same as what I have used. You will need a copy of the book to make the sampler, as basically the whole book is the sampler’s instructions.
8. Will you be teaching the sampler?
No. The sampler is SO extensive, it would take MANY hours worth of classes to get through it all. I have designed smaller Hardanger samplers for me to teach. Please enquire, but note that my teaching calendar is quite full for the next year or so. I cannot teach anywhere that is not already booked in 2024. I am also unwell at the moment, so all bookings are health dependent.
9. What stitches are in “Hardanger Filling Stitches?”
Stitches include: woven bars, wrapped bars, divided woven bars, divided wrapped bars, woven diagonals woven petals, twisted spokes, twisted cross, twisted Y, inverse twisted Y, curled V, rosette/struvor, dove’s eye, triangular dove’s eye, dove’s eye with cross, dove’s eye cobweb, dove’s eye in a circle, square filet, double twist square filet, enclosed square filet, nutmeg, knotted picots, looped picots, chain stitch picots, beaded picot, beaded square, greek cross – quarter cross, reverse greek cross, greek cross border, greek cross circlet, heavy greek cross, maltese flower, woven fan – two spokes, woven fan – three spokes, woven fan with decreasing segments, woven quarter fan, reverse woven fan, spider web – single, spider web – three spokes, woven spider web, ribbed spider web, whipped spider web, three quarter spider web flower, buttonhole arc, buttonhole circle, buttonhole arcs with spokes, buttonholed petals, shuttle stitch, blanket stitch flower, buttonholed square, eyelets in woven fabric squares, corner eyelets with woven bars, corner eyelets with square filet, eyelets in corners with divided wrapped bars, simplified eyelets at intersections, buttonhole eyelets at intersections, drunkards path, festoon stitch, flower filling, wheel, edelweiss, queen anne’s lace, bullion flower, chain stitch flower, lacy daisy, soleil stitch, lacy buttonhole edge.
There are many more un-named variations shown. Please note that the names for some stitches vary from resource to resource, so the names used in this book might be different than the names you know.
In addition, there are instructions for foundation stitching such as klosters, satin stitch shapes, cable stitch, eyelets and four-sided stitch. There is also information on cutting and withdrawing thread, fixing cutting mistakes, starting and finishing threads, changing threads in the middle of cutwork, and tension.
There are left-handed (red) and right-handed (blue) instructions for all stitches.
10. Is “Hardanger Filling Stitches” suitable for Hardanger beginners?
That depends on the beginner! If you’re a person who absolutely loves a challenge, then you could use it as a beginner. There is enough on the Hardanger basics to get you started, and started well. However, there’s so much in this book that is not for beginners that a beginner might find it rather overwhelming.
I personally would suggest my other Hardanger books – Early-Style Hardanger or Elegant Hardanger Embroidery – for beginners. You can see a comparison of the books here.
11. Is “Hardanger Filling Stitches” available as an e-book?”
No. It’s available as a paperback book.
12. Is it 168 pages or 280 pages?
“Hardanger Filling Stitches” has 280 pages. To explain, I have had enquiries from people who have seen the book advertised with 168 pages, whereas my website says 280 pages. They have wondered if the 168 page book is a different book, maybe missing some information that the full 280 page book includes. No, 168 pages is simply outdated information. The book is 280 pages.
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