I visited my off-site storage for my books yesterday. I saw a carton sitting by itself and wondered what it was. It was next to the Frisian stacks, so I assumed it was one of them. Imagine my surprise to find it was a whole box of “Early-Style Hardanger” which I thought I was completely out of stock of! I had no idea there was another box there!
I have now put it back on the website as available. You can order your copy from my website:
I will be reprinting this book (and several others) when I print my new book, “Hardanger Filling Stitches”, so if I run out, there are more coming.
EDITED TO ADD: Just to be quite clear, this is NOT the new book I am working on. I am still working on “Hardanger Filling Stitches” and it will go to the printer soon.
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