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Take better photos of your needlework class with Yvette Stanton

You would like to take photos of your needlework that capture people’s attention. You want to take dynamic images, not flat and boring ones. This is the class for you!

In this one day workshop, we will look at the basics of photographing needlework. Whether you have a phone camera, a point-and-shoot or an SLR, there are probably ways that you can improve your photography skills. We will look at lighting, composition and depth of field. We will explore photographing whole works and focusing in on details. We will look at the specific difficulties with photographing things like whitework and goldwork.

Bring your camera (whatever type you have, or ALL the ones you have) and its manual, a tripod if you have one, and a selection of objects to photograph (including one small, one larger, one flat, if at all possible). Do not bring any items framed behind glass. Please also bring a sheet of white cardboard (the type you get from the stationery shop or a cheap shop - nothing special; just large, white and semi-rigid!)

Make sure you have enough batteries to last all day in your camera, and lots of spare memory space in your camera (or an empty memory card) for all the photos. Expect to come away with a selection of images of one or two of the items.

I strongly encourage the students to contact me by phone or email, before the class to discuss particular items of needlework that they’d like to photograph. It will help me to understand their specific needs, and get the student thinking about what they want to get out of the class.


Embroiderers Guild NSW, Concord West
19th November 2015
More details and bookings: 02 9743 2501

 Take better photos of your needlework class

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