Thank you to Joylene, who recently contacted me to alert me to a problem with some of the instructions in “Sardinian Knotted Embroidery”.
Page 58 (left-handed instructions for Peahole Hemstitch), step 1 should read:
1 Knot the end of the thread. From the front, insert the needle in the woven corner square in the lower woven strip. Counting along the hemstitched pairs, bring the needle out in the middle drawn thread gap, between the sixth and seventh pairs.
Page 61 (right-handed instructions for Peahole Hemstitch), step 1 should read:
1 Knot the end of the thread. From the front, insert the needle in the woven corner square in the lower woven strip. Counting along the hemstitched pairs, bring the needle out in the middle drawn thread gap, between the sixth and seventh pairs.
The diagram in each case IS CORRECT.
My sincere apologies for this mistake.
If you EVER find any mistakes in any of my books, PLEASE let me know. I am very happy to put errata notices here for the benefit of everyone, and when the books are next reprinted, corrections are made.
Thanks for letting us know Yvette
Don’t stress about it, these things happen, as a copyeditor myself for a journal I know how easily this can happen, no matter how many times you read things over. Of course it is always harder to proof your own work as you get quite close to it.
Thanks for your encouragement, Julie. I do actually have someone else who proofreads for me, which is very helpful.
I do stress a bit about these things though, because I don’t want to lead people astray! I really want people to have successful results.
Bonjour Yvette
et bien pour moi qui ne sais pas lire l’anglais ,je me suis servi des schémas.
dommage que vos livres ne soit pas traduit en francais mais je les achéte tous comme le mountmellick et la broderie portuguaise heureusemant quq’il y a les photos.
merci pour tous vos beaux ouvrages
Marie Christine
gosh, just had fun remembering my French (from 50 years ago at school!!) and can understand what Marie Christine said!!
Just wanted to add that I have just got as far as withdrawing threads, and have made my first mitred corners, Yay!! Yvette, that was a great explanation of how to do mitred corners, thank you, I’ve never really tried them before. I like the way the finishing is done before the main stitching.
Ready for the peahole stitching soon.
having fun here. At least Ive started a pattern straight away after receiving the book for my birthday, I looked again at the Portuguese whitework book…..haven’t quite started that yet, just looking at the patterns so far!