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Elizabethan strawberries panel class with Yvette Stanton

Elizabethan embroidery often featured plants and the small creatures who live around them. This colourful design features luscious strawberries and a couple of little critters.

Explore traditional Elizabethan stitches including corded detached buttonhole stitch, corded Brussels stitch and plaited braid stitch. We will be using silks, metallic threads, and sparkly spangles.

This class is for experienced embroiderers who are looking for a fun challenge. The stitches we will be working are not for beginner embroiderers. While you may not have worked these particular stitches before, it is important that you are a confident embroiderer.


Beating Around the Bush International Needlework Convention, Adelaide

27th September-3rd October 2014
More details and bookings:

Needlework Cruise, Fremantle-Singapore
1st-15th April 2015
More details and bookings:

 Elizabethan strawberries class  Elizabethan strawberries class

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